Rediscover the 80s is your retro news and talk station.

Latest Episodes

Memory Jogger: Camping

Join Wyatt and Brian as we discuss our memories of camping and family vacations during the 1980s.

Bonus Episode - Rediscover the 80s visits BBC2 Radio Phil Williams

This is a bonus episode in which Wyatt Bloom is invited to be a part of BBC2 Radio's Midnight Madness with Phil Williams

Memory Jogger: Sights and Sounds of the 80s *Updated

Enjoy a brief but charming and colorful podcast where we look back at a few sights and sounds we commonly encountered during the 1980s.

Rediscover the 80s: Tribute to Jason Gross

Join Wyatt Bloom and our honored guest as we commemorate October 25th as Jason Gross day!  It is on this date in which our much-loved Jason left this world and we trea...

Rediscover the 80s - Interview with Brian Cave

Join us in an informative interview with Brian Cave.  He is the author of Old School Evil and Old School Evil: The Rejects

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